Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay Success is a Subjective State of Mind - 925 Words
Success. Some crave it with all of their heart; others seek it to the end of the world, but end up not even finding what they are looking for. Is it possible that they have trouble finding what they are looking for because they do not know exactly what it is they are looking for? Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines success as â€Å"the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame; the correct or desired result of an attempt, someone or something that is successful.†Unfortunately even within this definition, there are concepts that are hard to explain and explore. â€Å"Correct†is a term that is subjective and hardly ever is there one correct way of doing anything. How can one succeed at anything without there being an absolute way of†¦show more content†¦The method that was used as the major topic of conversation for his paper was learned helplessness. He found that disciplinary actions that lack in motivational, metal, or emotional stimulu s; lead to learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is when humans are taught how to perceive the world in way that offers no help to them. Battal then studied the correlation between this learned helplessness and the affect it had on the success of the children. The results were two sided. On one hand, the children who learned helplessness often times had high expectations for themselves. With a world perspective and mindset that no one will help them, they relied heavily on themselves. This perspective leads to overshooting their abilities and fundamentally setting themselves up for failure. Helplessness taught them to believe that they can never be good enough, that there is always another goal to be overcome and surpassed. But to them success is never reached, they never find relief or believe that they deserve a break. From an early age they were taught to fight an uphill battle, except the hill continues to get steeper and they feel the need to continue to fight. On the other hand, helplessness can lead to lower than average expectations of oneself. Lowered expectations can arise from the feeling that no one in the world is going to help you out of an issue, so you must avoid issues at all cost. This makes peopleShow MoreRelatedHow Success Breaks Down Into Life1678 Words  | 7 PagesHawthorne 2/174/2016 Concept Essay (Final Paper) How Success Breaks Down Into Life I prefer sitting at a coffee shop to do works or read a favorite book, and sometimes taking idly thoughts and wondering myself, â€Å" How does a rich person define success? Or, that, having lots of money, living in a big house, and owning all of the latest cars, fashions, and technology is the key to happiness, and hence, success ?†I believe that the definition of success is deeply personal and surely will be different forRead MoreThe Argument of Dualism Essay1028 Words  | 5 Pages Arguments of Dualism Dualism is the theory that mind and matter are two distinct things. 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